The Roman Temple came from ebay and was due to see its first outing in my recent Britannia campaign but I never had the opportunity to put it on table.
It's a handy little piece, very dramatic whilst not dominating the table. I am hoping to add a scratch-built villa in a similar style.

The Roman Watch-Tower also failed to make the table-top in the campaign but I'm sure it will soon. It is a Grand Manner model along with the palisade surround. Another ebay acquisition bought painted and ready to play for less than the price of the unpainted tower alone.
The Turf Fort. My final Dark Age terrain addition was my turf fort. This has been an on-going project for many years. I was never sure how I wanted the towers and gatehouse to look. I didn't want it too strongly defended as it would make assaulting it too daunting. Equally I didn't want it too easily over-run. I finally decided to bite the bullet and finish it off. I think it worked and looked rather impressive. This one did make the campaign table-top with the Saxons choosing to assault it and proving successful in their endeavours. (And yes, I know I could have bought one in resin from a number of manufacturers and saved myself the hard work - but it wouldn't have been the same)